Category: Featured

I help organizations turn unstoppable change into new opportunities.

I focus on the design and implementation of strategies compatible with an accelerating future.

Strategy Consulting: Future Growth & Future Services for EMA

Since February 2019, I began a relationship with the Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA Northern) in Auckland. The work involves: Special Projects for the Office of the CEO,…

Speaker: ARUP London – Foresight Research & Innovation Team

In November 2018, I was invited as guest speaker for ARUP’s Foresight, Research & Innovation team in London UK to give them a talk about innovations and trends…

Workforce Trainer at OHSU

I was the Instructional Designer developing the compulsory Multicultural Competency Training for the OHSU workforce (7,400 employees). This program represented an investment of 4,000 workforce hours. The program was developed in under 7 weeks.

Social Media work for Dr. Paul Polak

Work for Dr. Polak involved social media strategy in tools like Twitter, Facebook and recommendations for

featured work on SlideShare | Social Media Rockstars

Social Media Rockstars is a workshop I gave in 2009. It was based on trends, common misunderstandings and the outlook in the field.

Ning Community for KAUST

Between 2008 and 2010 I volunteered, created and managed a Ning-based social network for King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.

Chicago Convergence 2008

I developed a Summit Planner and Agenda for the Chicago Convergence 2008. This document was made available as a PDF.

Social Media Consulting for Intranet Benchmarking Forum

Designed, implemented and conducted training on Social Media, Search Engine Optimization.

Social Media Organizer for The Scholar Ship*

As Community Manager, I facilitated the advance creation of 12+ student groups eight months prior to embarkation; Spearheaded early networking (sourcing for scholarships, planning of independent travel, creation of onboard life programs, simulations and seminars among others).

Podcasting Evangelist | iTunes U at WIU

My primary task was to evaluate, budget and design the pilot courses that could be used for integrating and rolling out iTunesU for a 15,000+ campus at Western Illinois University.

Nuclear Systems Engineer at Siemens Molecular Imaging

I developed IEEC benchmarking tests for the new generation of medical detectors that began to be sold in 2008 in the Symbia, e.Cam and c.Cam product lines.

eLearning Developer at

t CAIT I gained expertise and insight in the development of tailored and interactive e-learning solutions from being a Database Developer, a Content Editor to a High School Spanish Teaching Assistant via DirecTV.

Staff at Tec de Monterrey

Worked for the Guadalajara Campus High School System of ITESM.

Staff at EGADE | Tec de Monterrey

Worked as administrative staff.