2004-2005: President, International Friendship Club (IFC).
- Secured $800,000 in funding from the Board of Trustees for the purchase of the first-ever International House. The House opened in August 2007.
- Participated in the planning meetings of the creation of the Multicultural Center. It opened in August 2010 and its the new home of IFC.
- Achieved the incorporation of the largest Student Organization in Campus into the Student Services Division.
- Accomplished the appointment of an Administrative Advisor, two full time Graduate Assistants.
- Implemented a Structural and Philosophical change in the Organization, moving from a Vertical to a Horizontal model
- Developed an Institutional Image Strategy.
- Ensured increased funding for the fulfillment of the IFC Mission.
- Designed & implemented a strategy to revise the IFC Constitution that was 4 years outdated.
- Streamlined the Data Management System & implemented a Backup System.
- Proposed more than 24 initiatives in the University-wide.
- Enhanced minority group leadership development & representation.
2004 – 2005: Office of Affirmative Action & Office of Student Activities.
- Trainer for GLBT Safe Space Program.
2003 – 2004: Vice President, International Friendship Club (IFC).
- Consolidated the Public Relations Group and integrated a Webmaster position.
- Streamlined Electronic and Printed Media Development and its distribution.
2002 – 2003: Public Relations, International Friendship Club (IFC).
- Implemented a Website for the first time in the organization’s history.
2003 – 2005: University Appointed Organizations:
- Quality of Life Committee.
- WIU Strategic Plan: Student Life Implementation Team.
- Grade Appeal Committee.
2002: Department of Physics.
- Volunteer at Science Week After-School Outreach Program at Macomb Area Schools.
2001 – 2004: US Department of Education’s International Education Week: Cultural Awareness Visitation Program.
- Volunteer for greater Macomb Area Elementary Schools.
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