I focus on the design and implementation of strategies compatible with an accelerating future. While being an Entrepreneur at heart, I’ve taken on roles as Innovation Consultant, Design & Creative Strategist.


Original Projects


Tactile Education (Founder)
Teaching Astronomy to blind children by developing Tactile Astronomy, a kinesthetic learning solution focused on accessibility and embedded IoT sensors. 


moocards.025Ocean University (Founder)
Experiential learning & design collaborative with a cruise ship as its home to reimagine our relationships in preparation to become a space-faring civilization.

aria_logo_300x300ARIA (Co Founder)
Open Source project that is building & developing ephemeral logistics and transport infrastructure using drones.


Matternet_logo_300x300 Matternet (Co Founder)
A solution for accelerating economic activity and lift one billion people from poverty.
Global Solutions Program 2011,
Singularity University.


Design Strategy

mahuki_logoTe Mahuki
(Mentor, Inaugural Class of 2016)
Providing mentoring to startups of the inaugural intake of  Te Papa Tongarewa’s Te Mahuki innovation incubator.


labourparty_nzNew Zealand Labour Party
(Strategy and Consultancy, 2015 to present)
Providing strategic advise for the Future Of Work Commission


NeSI_logoNational eScience Infrastructure (NeSI)  (2015)
Capability Development Strategy for Researcher Digital Literacy across New Zealand.


cprize_logoCallaghan C Prize (2015)
Enabling the development of the first national innovation competition to spur the development of drone technology via strategic business relationships and business introductions.


Innovation Consultancy

NetworkSociety_300x300Hapori Hangarau – The Network Society
(Founding Ambassador for New Zealand)
Providing lectures at various events and coaching to organizations in the streams of disruption, innovation and exponential technologies.



Unitec – Te Puna Ako
(Consultant, 2015)
Providing  coaching in Educational Design.



LifeHack LABS
(Mentor, Class of 2014)
Providing lectures and coaching to participants.




I bring +15 years experience working on projects with design consultancies, creating new products and services, and delivering corporate training and business intelligence briefings with top executives in the USA, Germany, United Kingdom, Mexico (Citizen) and New Zealand (Permanent Resident).


My academic credentials are a Master of Science Degree in Instructional Design and a Bachelor of Science Degree in General Physics from Western Illinois University in the USA.

This academic background in liberal arts and life sciences has enabled me to have lived, worked and traveled in over 27 countries and for corporates in three continents and so far in two ocean-based experiential education programs while crossing the Atlantic, Pacific and Southern Oceans.


Polar Explorer Robert Swan OBE with Arturo at the 2011 Inspire Antarctica Expedition by the 2041 Foundation.



New Zealand leaders participating in my workshop: Introduction to Accelerating Technologies and Disruptive Innovation.

I have a proven track record of entrepreneurship and innovation in the traditionally-framed Financial, Insurance, Health & Safety, Life Sciences and Information Technology sectors.

Within them, I have developed extensive relationships with agencies, internal and external customers, vendors and outsourcing partners to realize the development of technical design recommendations, technical specifications and requirements, stakeholder management across external vendors, subject matter experts and business partners.




2041 Inspire Antarctica Expedition

I participated in the 2041 Foundation’s International Antarctic Expedition as a full scholar and Communications Officer for the Antarctic Base Renewable Energy Expedition in 2011.

2041_logo_2015websiteThis experiential learning opportunity  led me to live and work at Sea for the educational and scientific projects. From the Southern Ocean and Antarctica, I coordinated an educational podcasting series on renewable energy, sustainability, leadership, global warming and documenting work being done at the 2041  Educational Base (E-Base) in King George Island, Antarctica.


NautiCast (Host & Producer)nauticast_270x270

A podcast series recorded on The Scholar Ship, which traveled the globe through 16-weeks and visited Greece, Portugal, Panama, Ecuador, FrenchPolynesia, New Zealand, Australia, The People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong.

The  topics ranged from Sustainable Development, Social Research, Biological Research, Climate Research, Race Relations, Multicultural Development, Faith, etc.




My strong innovation and futurism background includes fellowships from Singularity University’s 2011 Global Solutions Program (an all-expense-paid fellowship in Exponential Technologies as 1of 20 full scholarships from 80 participants out of 8,500 applicants.


mit_solve2015 In 2015, I received a fellowship to attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s SOLVE Conference  as one of five fellows and 1,000 participants to find solutions to humanity’s grand challenges.




2000 - 2016 International Press & Commentary.

2000 – 2016 International Press & Commentary.




Hiking a glacier in Antarctica under without conditions as part of the Leadership workshop of Inspire Antarctica Expedition in 2011.

Cookie-cutter solutions don’t cut it anymore.
What’s the best way forward?


Boom-and-bust cycles are accelerating exponentially and the new normal is unpredictable. New mega-trends in the economic environment are exercising  unprecedented pressure to existing organizations and governments.

I can give your organization the tools, coaching and insights you need to thrive in the face of this unstoppable change.

This, I Believe


Reflecting on the consequences of inaction of generations before me at the Larsen B Ice Shelf in Antarctica, 2011.

The future does not exist ahead of us: it lives in small pockets of disruption, imagination and innovations around us. The constant interaction of these pockets is what makes ideas merge, improve and become accepted into the wider reality of the present.

It is our human choice and spirit of resilience what is already fueling and reshaping our world.


Fundamental Shift


Introduction to Exponential Thinking Workshop at Bizdojo Auckland, 2015.

Never before in history have we been as connected or had access to as much information, or had the ability for asynchronous organization or digital representation at an individual level.

This fundamental shift from the old to the new structure gives organizations a unique opportunity were we can co-design and co-develop business transformation with targeted engagements in the form of events, coaching, skill and capability development and the implementation of tools and insights to allow them to thrive and to deal positively with unstoppable change.


New Tech = Opportunities


The New Zealand Roadless Economy Workshop, 2016.

The global business environment is changing with all economic systems restructuring, hierarchies crumbling and peer to peer participation reshaping businesses as we know them.

Code has moved from I’s and 0’s for the creation of desktop software and now even life itself can be summoned into existence within a few lines of code. 


Arturo’s passion is connecting people.


Regional TEDx organizers representing Queenstown, Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington and Tauranga at TED Active 2014.

Core Competencies

  • Expertise in Social Media & Web Strategy, Marketing, Communications and development of training programs with background in Instructional Design
  • Leverage of global relationships to drive business forward with tailored training & development, web 2.0 and e-learning solutions
  • Experience, insight and leadership on satellite & distance learning education, podcasting and social networking
  • Insight on management of thriving & eclectic multicultural communities 33,000+ strong
  • Proven talent across four continents: readily deployable and  with experience across markets and languages (English, German, French & Spanish).


  • Proven top level facilitation/ training delivery and/or Instructional Design skills. This includes the ability to think about how to support strategic plans and initiatives
  • The ability to push adult learning theories into practical application and facilitation on blended modalities and social intranets. In my opinion, the ability to simply quote adult learning theory is only part of the equation
  • Strong storytelling skills
  • Ability to convey complex topics and troubleshooting concisely to physical and online audiences
  • Ability to communicate clearly with consideration of English as a Second Language learners (ESL)
  • Able to work well in a team and take on big challenges that may be ambiguous
  • Stand up training skills.


  • I have a Master of Science Degree in Instructional Design
  • I have worked as Social Media Community Manager and Strategist. This work experience spans over 12 years
  • I have documented experience working with online communities
  • I have experience in facilitation to audiences in traditional training settings
  • Proven ability to conduct detailed needs analysis to determine and develop content curation as needs are determined
  • Proven experience with Instructional Design and performance consulting
  • Deep ability to convey the complex to new and experienced employees
  • The ability to motivate users to actively participate in collaboration tools, knowledge bases, discussion forums, wikis and similar
  • Proven e-learning facilitation experience and experience with blended learning solutions facilitation
  • Stand-up training experience and the ability to deliver stand-up instruction
  • Experience coordinating and developing multiple projects at one time successfully even when those projects may fall outside of core responsibilities
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively with peers, driving diverse workgroups to collaborative solutions
  • Experience with Learning Management Systems
  • Experience and evidence of using Social Media in a Community Management Role
  • Strong interest and commitment to learning across different modalities
  • Strong curiosity and drive to learn something new
  • The ability to engage in national travel if business needs arise

Work Samples

  • Facilitate and curate content for business needs. Be it face-to-face or a blended learning solution
  • Designing solutions fit-for-audience and fit-for-purpose. The primary audiences will range in age and their perception and adoption of technology will vary. I will act to my best ability to be a platform evangelist and build «buy-in» through a growing community of learners.
  • Help meet a client’s business goals by ensuring the transitions and readiness to trends such as a fully mobile and digitally savvy workforce. This will include content migration, peer to peer and group facilitation both online and face-to-face.
  • Develop and evangelize best practices in the use of knowledge bases, wikis, collaboration tools, performance support systems and applications. Work closely with your team to identify key training gaps, errors or improvements and use e-learning principles and content curation for distribution to the wider enterprise.
  • Help define and align data analytics criteria and metrics. Building strong community ties in a predominant face-to-face workflow with the option to grow an electronically delivered medium
  • Work cross group with other teams to establish best practices and partner to leverage others content as appropriate
  • Cross-train other facilitators and develop up-skilling strategies as appropriate
  • Provide onsite, offsite, online and offline facilitation of training when needed
  • Build and deliver train the trainer sessions
  • Design, manage and conduct data analytics at least quarterly to ensure efficiency targets, training requirements and help run BAU
  • Work closely with other workgroup peers to shape group recommendations based on direct insights to build new e-Learning offerings
  • Be able to effectively project manage personal development efforts and potentially manage the key relationships to help execute the vision for programs/projects.

View my presentations on SlideShare: