


I had the opportunity to co-present Network Society on Day Zero of NetHui 2015 on 08 July. This presentation was done in Te Reo Māori and English.


Ko te Kaupapa Ake o te Hapori Hangarau

Kia puta rā anō he kaupapa hangarau hou kātahi anō ka tīni haere te noho o te hapori me ōna pūtake mahi moni.

Kua puta rā ngā hangarau hou mō te ao whānui e kore haere ai ngā take mō ngā hangarau o mua , pēnei i te whakahaere ā-pūtahi nei, i te aroākapanga rānei.

Mā ngā hangarau hou nei ka kore haere ngā poupou kāwanatanga o ia whenua o ia whenua. Ko te hua kē ka puta ko te Hapori Hangarau.



The Fundamental Thesis Of The Network Society

Widespread social and economic change only happens once a solid technological foundation evolves to make it sustainable.

Globally distributed and decentralized technologies have emerged that achieve superior results with respect to centralized and hierarchical ones.

These unstoppable technologies undermine and disrupt the Nation State’s supporting pillars. The resulting socioeconomic organization is the Network Society.