Category: WorkPage 1 of 3

Work experience based on resume.

I help organizations turn unstoppable change into new opportunities.

I focus on the design and implementation of strategies compatible with an accelerating future.

Product Owner, Future of Aging Expedition

Working with an interdisciplinary team of 50+ participants as we explore trends in Aging, the integration of IoT at home to improve autonomy and the emergence, integration and…

Product Owner, Future of Energy Camp

An outcome of this experience was the development of instructional materials to document the 16 week engagement of 35+ participants from interdisciplinary backgrounds. The engagement was done across…

Internal Collaboration Tools | ERP Services

Develop your company collaboration tools for a remote workforce.

Digital Warrant Of Fitness | ERP Services

An assessment of your existing IT services and infrastructure.

Emerging Technology Scout

I’ve been collaborating with OysterWorkshop in Auckland on initiatives across the South Pacific to promote entrepreneurship and expand economic activity across Pacific Island Nations.

[In Development] iGEM NZ 2020

The International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition is coming to our corner of the world.

Consulting: Skill Shift 2025 for The Manufacturers’ Network

Since April 2019, I have been working closely with The Manufacturers’ Network in Christchurch and Auckland on the Skill Shift 2025 project which aims to define the skills…

Talk: “The Age of Smiths” at Telco & Digital Service Futures Conference by Competenz

In March 2019, I was invited to be a speaker for the Telco & Digital Service Futures Conference in Auckland, New Zealand. The event explored converging technologies for…

Strategy Consulting: Future Growth & Future Services for EMA

Since February 2019, I began a relationship with the Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA Northern) in Auckland. The work involves: Special Projects for the Office of the CEO,…

Speaker: ARUP London – Foresight Research & Innovation Team

In November 2018, I was invited as guest speaker for ARUP’s Foresight, Research & Innovation team in London UK to give them a talk about innovations and trends…

2019 recap: Future of Healthcare 10-city roadshow in New Zealand

A 10-city tour of New Zealand sponsored by the Royal New Zealand College Of General Practitioners is taking place this year.

Workshop for Pacific Business Trust

In May 2018, I designed and facilitated a workshop for the Pacific Business Trust as part of  a long term collaboration.

Panel Moderator for Kiwa Nuanua – Pacific Tech Summit

In April 2018, I was invited as Panel Moderator for the “What’s next? Looking 20 years into the Future” session.

Opening Keynote Speaker: RNZCGP 2017 Digital Summit.

In November 2017, I gave the Opening Keynote for the Digital Summit 2017 with a focus on the paradigm shift of Lifespans to Healthspans.

Opening Speaker: Autodesk 2020 – The Shape Of Things to Come

In August 2017, I was invited by Autodesk to share my perception of the future of Manufacturing and Generative Design.

Curator: TechWeek New Zealand 2017

I was an independent curator for over 200 national events.

Tactile Astronomy

I am developing Tactile Astronomy to teach Astronomy to blind youth. 

 It is time to open the final frontier for all.

Tactile Astronomy on Radio New Zealand

In October 2016, Tactile Astronomy was featured on This Way Up! from Radio New Zealand.

August 2016: Startup Mentor for Te Mahuki @ Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa

I am a Mentor for the inaugural cohort of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa’s Te Mahuki program from August to December 2016.

Event Designer & Facilitator: Innovation 2030 for Labour Party

I was asked to design, develop and deliver a facilitated all-day workshop to bring together a group of industry, science and academic leaders

Speaker: Capital Raising for the Roadless Economy.

As a 3-part workshop engagement with the Innovation Liberation Front, I helped co-facilitate a specific session on raising capital for UAV startups.

The session focused on IP creation, protection, understanding how a startup works and how it works in the context of UAVs and New Zealand regulations.

Design Strategy Consulting for UNITEC

Between March and July 2015, I worked as a Design Education Consultant for UNITEC in one of their internal strategy projects for blended learning capability and how to communicate it with the wider faculty and staff.

Design Strategy work for NeSI

From July to September 2015, I am working with New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) as a Design Strategy Consultant for their Capability Development Strategy for Researcher Digital Literacy.

Drones: Enabling the C Prize Competition

In 2014, I assisted in the development of strategic business relationship with Swedish provider Sqore to enable the innovation competition to take place in 2015.