Category: eventsPage 1 of 2

Experiences: Hosting the CX Collective NZ

In July 2019, I hosted the Customer Experience Collective New Zealand (CX Collective NZ) their monthly practitioner & networking event on behalf of The Employers and Manufacturers Association…

[In Development] iGEM NZ 2020

The International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition is coming to our corner of the world.

Panel Moderator: Digi_X 2019

I was asked by the Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA Northern) to lead and moderate a panel for their 2019 Digi_X Digital Decisions event as part of New…

Talk: “The Singularity is Diversity” for EMA’s Digi_X & TechWeek NZ ’19

In May 2019, I gave a talk at Digi_X Digital Decisions 2019. The event was organized by The Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA Northern) and it took place…

2018 Falling Walls LAB – New Zealand

The Inaugural Falling Walls LAB is set to take place in September 2018.

Panel Moderator for Kiwa Nuanua – Pacific Tech Summit

In April 2018, I was invited as Panel Moderator for the “What’s next? Looking 20 years into the Future” session.

Mentor: Fishhackathon 2018 | Auckland

In February 2018, I am participating as a Mentor for Fishhackathon 2018.

Opening Keynote Speaker: RNZCGP 2017 Digital Summit.

In November 2017, I gave the Opening Keynote for the Digital Summit 2017 with a focus on the paradigm shift of Lifespans to Healthspans.

Opening Speaker: Autodesk 2020 – The Shape Of Things to Come

In August 2017, I was invited by Autodesk to share my perception of the future of Manufacturing and Generative Design.

Closing Keynote Speaker: PRINZ 2017

In May 2017, I was the Closing Keynote Speaker for PRINZ 2017 in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Speaker: Newkind Festival in Tasmania

In March 2017, the Tactile Education team shared the journey of building new educational experiences through accesible technologies in Tasmania.

SingularityU New Zealand Summit.

In November 2016, I secured patronage for a group of 10 participants from Manurewa High School to attend the SU NZ Summit and spark their potential to solve New Zealand’s grand challenges.

Tactile Astronomy Appeal & Fundraiser

Make a New Zealand GST-deductible charitable donation to support teaching Astronomy to blind youth.

Drones – #SMCAKL Speaker: The NZ Roadless Economy

In July 2016, I was invited to be a guest speaker and panelist for the Social Media Club Auckland meet-up on Drones.

2017: Innovation Nation Grand Challenge

The Innovation Nation Grand Challenge is an open call for New Zealanders to tackle the most pressing challenges in their communities. It’s goal is to catalyze ideas and innovations into inventions, thus building 
 in-country capabilities, next-generation industries and national resilience.

Speaker: Future of Transport at IPENZ 2016

My talk was centered on how Transportation will be impacted by other trends that are happening worldwide and how we should be preparing for this accelerating future.

Event Designer & Facilitator: Innovation 2030 for Labour Party

I was asked to design, develop and deliver a facilitated all-day workshop to bring together a group of industry, science and academic leaders

Speaker: AUT COLAB on Drones

In March 2015, I spoke at AUT COLAB about the emergence of the New Zealand Roadless Economy.

X PRIZE Think Tank Auckland Speaker

JCI Auckland Guest Speaker

I’ve been invited to speak at the June meeting of the Auckland Chapter of Junior Chamber International (JCI).

Australia + New Zealand Global Impact Competition 2014

Through the generous support of Dr. Clarence Tan, SU Ambassador for Oceania, we are able to invite for the first time in 2014, New Zealand Residents for the Global Impact Competition of Singularity University.

Competition Deadline is 09 May 2014.

Auckland Startup Weekend

I worked as part of the 2014 Auckland Startup Weekend Core Organizer Team assisting in Communications.

TEDx Team New Zealand

In March 2014, I was delighted to attend the TED Active 2014 Conference along with: Trent Yeo (TEDx Queenstown) Kaila Colbin (TEDx Christchurch) DK (TEDx Wellington, TEDx TeAro)…

TEDxAuckland 2013

I am a core organizer for TEDxAuckland. The independently organized TED event took place on 03 August 2013 in Aotea Square.

AMP Amplify Festival 2013

The first week of June 2013, I had the honor of traveling to Sydney, Australia for the AMP Amplify Ideas Festival.

The internal event at AMP focuses on bringing innovation and insights into the latest global trends in finance, markets and thought leadership.