Category: Work Samples

Methods & Frameworks Pathfinder

Since March 2020, I’ve been collaborating with Explorers’ Lab in Silicon Valley on initiatives to reimagine the Future of Work as the Covid-19 pandemic began. The Methods &…

Talk: “The Singularity is Diversity” for EMA’s Digi_X & TechWeek NZ ’19

In May 2019, I gave a talk at Digi_X Digital Decisions 2019. The event was organized by The Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA Northern) and it took place…

2019 recap: Future of Healthcare 10-city roadshow in New Zealand

A 10-city tour of New Zealand sponsored by the Royal New Zealand College Of General Practitioners is taking place this year.

Content & Media Strategist at CloudM

May-August 2014: I worked with CloudM with key accountabilities for the Blerter launch in product education, communications strategy (developing the new website and brand) and channel delivery.     Blerter is…

Learning Design Consultant at ASB Bank

Between 2013 & 2014, I worked as a Learning & Design Strategy Consultant for the Culture and Capability Team of ASB in Auckland, New Zealand.

Workforce Trainer at OHSU

I was the Instructional Designer developing the compulsory Multicultural Competency Training for the OHSU workforce (7,400 employees). This program represented an investment of 4,000 workforce hours. The program was developed in under 7 weeks.